Friday, October 17, 2014

Zumba steps

I took another step towards being a better me and joined a zumba class. It's perfect for me because I love shakin' what my momma gave me! We were cha chaing till our calves killed, all laughing with each other when one of us couldn't squat, or if we slipped in a puddle of our own sweat! It was freaking hot yesterday, and inside the place wheeee the class was held it felt like the heat was on. Anyway, in walks this cute old couple, who promy sit in these randomly placed couches in the back, I think they're just going to watch but I was greatly mistaken. Those two could move! I hope to god that's Stephen and I when we are older, it was the cutest thing!

So I had a blast. I had to team up with women I didn't know and dance in a circle with them and I just laughed the entire time. Everyone did. It was such a positive experience. The weird part is that this class is only in my town one Thursday a month, and I happened to go on the day it was here (I thought it was every Thursday) and while we were taking a break a beautiful rainbow appeared. I felt
Like it was a sign that I should be doing this. Sometimes I feel selfish if I do something for myself, or unworthy. In light of my self love, growth, change, discovery process I made sure to let that negativity go.

So if you get the chance, and want a fun but intense work out, join zumba. Just don't join my class because I make enough of a fool of myself, ha!

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