Saturday, October 18, 2014

This and that

This fall has been spectacular! The leaves have hung around longer than any year I can remember, and the colors are amazing. Deep reds, orange, and yellows everywhere. I feel like this fall has been more special than we've had in years. We've made sure to do as many activities relating to the season as possible, and instead of putting up the halloweeny decorations with the harvest ones I waited. I love my little orange lights, I think that's what makes it so special, is the warm lights. Much like Christmas it just adds a little twinkle, a little shine of magic.

Today, and yesterday has been very warm, which is not very seasonable. I go through this phase of "fall cleaning" just like spring cleaning but in the fall. I've kinda lost my mojo for it tho, and I blame the summer feel coupled with rainy days. So today Allie girl and I have been snuggling and watching tv all morning. I love doing this with the kids, I know it's totally not productive or educational but I love lounging with them on the couch. My mom used to do this with me and watch Disney movies, they are some of my favorite memories, minus the part where Bambi's mom gets shot which still makes me cry to this day. I've been making lists for everything in my life lately because it feels good to cross things off, and because I need to organize my life a little more. You'd think with a house to run I would be better at it.

Anyway, the reason I wrote all of this is because Allie and I have alone time now, and it's exhilarating to see her as her own person. Without her big sisters here to talk for her, or do things for her. The independence she has is surprising. I don't see it as much with the bigs around. I love playing patty cake with her, and honestly just talking to her. One on one time with the girls is so important to both Stephen and I, and having Allie to pal around with, even if it's just cleaning or watching a movie has been so fun. She's still my baby but she's growing her own place in the world, and I'm trying to nurture her independenc but hold on to the babyness as long as I can. So today we wil play and clean, no naps because I don't want to miss anymore time with her than I have to, as I write this she's gobbling up the last of a watermelon-summers last gift to us. I'm so thankful for the seasons change, it brings out the best in all of us because I think that's when we change the most. I'm thankful for days like this when I can truly see my blessings, life is good.

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