Monday, October 27, 2014

Writing challenge day 1- Me

As she twirls and spins her brown curly hair flys around her face forming a mane of tangled dreams. Her mind is always working, to a fault. Dancing is her sweet obsession. Her life is full of love. When she was a child she dreamed of a life much like the one she lives today, in those dreams she never forsaw the happiness she would experience. Her family is the greatest accomplishment. When the wind blows the trees she tells her girls the noises they make as they wave is laughter because they're being tickled. She faces her fears head on. Music is her second love, it will change her outlook within the first few chords. She has faith in God. When she looks in the mirror she's trying very hard to see beauty. She loves holding hands, and bear hugs. Her guilty pleasure is listening to Cher like she used to with her mom as a child. She sings loudly. She's loud in every aspect of her life, especially when she's mad. She's sensitive. She loves waking up before her family, sipping warm coffee, and either reading or writing. Someday she wants to write something that helps at least one person. She cares too much if people like her or not, but is trying not to.

She can't lie, if she does most people can see right through her. She tries hard with everything she does. She starts things and doesn't always finish them. She can be passive aggressive because she never has the courage to stand up for herself or face confrontation. Her laughter is contagious, and again loud. Some perceive her kindness as a "act" but she's always been a genuinely nice person, and still believes every person has good inside of them. If you give her love she will flourish. She's a little crazy, and she likes it that way. A song lyric could be written about her, often her Facebook status consists of one. She often compares herself to others and reminds herself she's wonderful just the way she is. She will give you love and support till you feel suffocated. She will always be honest with you, and she will sugar coat things for fear of hurting feelings.

She is love. She is courage. She is friendly. She is weird. She can be depressed. She is anxiety. She is the robot dance on a Saturday night with her children. She is the kisses her husbands beard prickles on her face. She is warm baths. She is the imaginary friend. She is finger paintings. She is freshly baked cookies. She is her dogs shaking off the rain. She is a fizzy coke a cola. She is afraid of judgement. She prays often. She will splash a puddle even when her girls aren't around. She dances in the car. She will watch childrens movies with her husband, and again even when her girls aren't around. She tries to be selfless. She can be emotionally imature. She will listen. She relates. She wears her weaknesses on her sleeve.

Her family is her everything, this is all of me.

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