Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Zuccini and the apple

The crinkles under my feet. The wind against my face. The red and gold shower of beauty that falls all around me. These are the best days of autumn, a time where death overcomes to bring forth new life. A time for change, and growth. We harvest, and get ready to hunker down for the colder days. Hot cocoa days, warm blankets days, feety pajama days, my favorite days. Apple crisp warming in the oven, bringing forth the thought that the quote about smells sparking memories the most rings true. Apples are my dad. He loves anything apple, smells and tastes alike. We went to the orchard over the weekend, I know I posted this before but I have left over feelings of joy from it. I took a picture with my dad standing next to apple tree and wondered why we'd never done that while I was growing up. So many of my memories involve working with him in the orchards, or making apple pies.

It's memories like that, that just center around my dad that are a little more sweet. A little more brown sugar, which also makes me think of him. My mom is zuccini and my dad is apple. My parents have transformed into these amazing people right before my eyes. Growing up I never looked at them like they were people, they were just mom and dad, and of course dad knew everything. Now tho I see their vulnerabilities, I see their mistakes, I see them as people. As shocking as this can be we all hit a point in life where we see they aren't perfect. I think I've always seen that because we didn't have a classic "leave it to beaver" life, but after my dad had his heart attack something changed. He was never one to say I love you, and god forbid if he was wrong he never apologized or admitted it. He says I love you now, he says I'm sorry, and he says I'm proud of you. It means a little more coming from him. Not that my mothers opinion doesn't matter, it's just that for him you have to work for it.

I love seeing them together now. They were never lovey dovey, and if you know Stephen and I you know that we over do the lovey stuff, so seeing them come into a new light in their relationship makes my heart sing. They are so in sinc with each other, and I suppose they should be after being together for 25 years. I love seeing them help each other up, and picking on the other for being old. I love seeing them take care of each other, they treat each other preciously and sweetly. It's still a surprise to me to see it, but I can't say how happy it makes me. They've been through absolute hell and back, and showed me you can still come out swinging, so long as your holding hands with the one you love. They are a inspiration to me because they aren't perfect, but their love is. It is the exact example of what is, and always should be. I can't wait to see what Stephen and I will be like 10 years from now, I hope we will always be as lovey.

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