Saturday, October 11, 2014

Crazy crazy

There are some people in life that can bring you right back to being a child again. No matter how old you are. For me that's my parents, and any of my aunts, uncles, or cousins. The memories they stir up, and their recollections of the silly things you did always make me smile. My aunt is up visiting from conneticut, and tho our plans were squashed today we got a lot of quality time in, she's always been "the fun one" and always will be. My girls have taken to her like white on rice, and even shy Stephen gets all sorts of cracked up over my loud uncle mark. They're bikers, rowdy, and hilarious! Oh the things they come up with! Never a dull moment.

Today we were supposed to go to a parade and a festival in my town for it's 275th anniversary, it started out raining and cold. Allie had a fever so I dressed all the girls beyond warm, everyone was late. We saw most of it tho, and froze our butts off! Then my sister in law had a emergency so we took all of her 5 kids and waited at my house till she got back so we could enjoy the rest of the celebration. The kids played and we all talked, took a nice walk and found some vendors close by my house where I got the coolest tey dye stuff ever! We ended up missing most of it all, and my parents left. Stephen and the girls and I got characters done of us, which is something I did with my family every year for almost 10 years, they still have it on their wall to this day.

My aunt and uncle came back to our house where we set out to do our second annual pumpkin painting, we had a blast. Then we went out to dinner, and waited for fireworks, well they started them 15 minutes earlier than they were supposed to so we missed a bit of them. We all snuggled up and since it was my uncles birthday, and since he's such a card he kept yelling "happy birthday to me!" Everytime one would go off. We got a lot of looks because of him, but I'm loud too so everyone in my family is used to it. Allie girls fever came back and everyone is super tired.

It's funny how a day can change, even my horoscope warned me that the plans would change and to roll with it. And while I was upset that things didn't go the way they were supposed to, and that once again something better came along and took my place in certain areas, we made the best of it. We had fun, and didn't care what anyone thought of us making such a ruckus. I have to say I love my crazy family, and how right now I feel like I'm 5 again. I love that my girls get a piece of what I had growing up, and I love that they see me this way.

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