Sunday, September 14, 2014


Sundays are my favorite day. Stephen works a lot, and often times when he gets home he's so tired we go to bed. But Sunday. Glorious Sunday! He has the day off! A day we can fill with giggles, adventure, and a kiss whenever I want one! Sure our business is right next door but I can't snuggle him whenever I want because that would be ackward for both the customers and his workers. So it's Sunday, the dy I wait all week for.

Today I'm supposed to shoot a birth. I'm elated that I was asked to do this, and beyond scared that I will mess it up and miss the great moment. My battery is charged, the memory card is awaiting pictures of a beautiful life gracing this earth with it's presence. I've been researching this and have often had dreams where I missed it. I didn't realize how excited I was until I woke up today with a cold (thank you girls) and thought she may not want me there. The mother is to excited to care and told me as long as I don't slobber on here we'd be fine. So everything's a go! Which means this Sunday will be spent at home, and with me being sick that's just fine with me. I cannot wait to see this little one come into the world, they don't know what it is but I've got a sneaking suspicion...

My littles are giggling away in their room, while daddy gets some much needed rest. The air is crisp and clean with fall just nipping away. I have my coffee, and positive affirmations firing on all cylinders this morning. My fall decorations are making my house seem extra cozy, the candles are constantly lot giving my house a wonderful combination of apples and cinnamon. I'm excited to work on our yearly fall wreath tho the rain might put a damper on that till I can dry the leaves that have already fallen and collected rain droplets amongst the ground. This time of year is my absolute favorite, from now until New Years the feeling of coziness is alive and living happily in my heart.

My dad has always loved this time of year, he baked apple pies, and when I was little he even worked in a apple orchard. I remember him taking his Nikon with him when we'd go for the harvest so he could get a good shot of a apple with few drops on it. I think I have that picture somewhere. He'd play Christmas music, or we'd come home and snuggle watching Christmas movies. I love that the Christmas spirit can get in you so early, but I try to hold off until after thanksgiving for it, not gonna lie tho I may have listened to melekemikiwaka last night. I've been snuggling with the girls watching hocus pocus and icabob and road lately. Fall crafts, and Apple crisp are in our future.

So there it is, a simple Sunday in a nutshell. Life is good, and amidst all of the hard times going around us lately, we get to cocoon ourselves for one day and block it out. Maybe we will even watch some fireworks tonight, to kick off the end of summer and the new beginnings fall brings us, like a clean slate. Just depends on when that little miracle decides to make his/her enterance into the most beautiful time of year.

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