Friday, September 12, 2014

How I love thee

Things I love about being a mom, a little bit of this and that from my crazy mind put out here for all of you to see.

Tiny fingers wrapped around one of mine. Giggles from the next room, and whispers when I walk in. I love that their bond now includes secrets from me, I will hate this when they are teens but at peat they look out for each other. Baking with them, even when I'm going nuts because they are going too fast and not measuring properly.  Dancing, and spinning in circles, especially when we dress up in our dresses just to watch them twirl around us. Smelling their hair. Checking on them when they're asleep, only to find that one of them is hanging off the bed because the other has taken up all the room (my oldest and middle daughters sleep together 😊) my middle child and I have our "secret telling" on out van rides. My oldest being so sensitive. My youngest running around naked.all.the.time. Quiet coffee breaks in the morning before their feet start slapping the floor. The sound of their feet on the floor. Being able to tell who it is by their foot steps. Watching them learn new things at school. Being a volunteer at their school (no joke I dreamt of this day as a little girl) sneaking kisses when I drop them off and not being offended that they are getting to a age where mom kissing them has become a embarrassment.

Things I love about my husband, and having the honor of not only being his wife, business partner, but also his best friend-

The raw passion we had before we had our ladybugs. The raw passion that still ignites so long as I'm well rested. When he sneaks bacon, or sandwich meat. When he dances with our girls. Holding hands. Always catching me when I fall and being my soft landing point. He's gorgeous. And I love that he doesn't even know it. When he tells me he heard a song that reminded him of me, and plays it for me. The way he teaches our girls to love "boy stuff" and has never complained that he never got a son, he's amazing with the girls. The way he plays dolls, or has tea parties with our girls, or when he has them help make breakfast on Sunday mornings. I love how he watched football and throws his hat at the tv when they do something he thinks he could do better. That he can fix anything. That he has loved me at my absolute worst, and never batted a eye lash at my faults. I love that he's honest with me about my faults. I love that he encourages me, lifts me up, comforts me, and never let's me fail at anything or give up. That he's my biggest fan, and that he will do anything to make me happy. I love how his breath smells after he's drank a glass of juice, and how he reminds me of a little boy when he falls asleep on our couch with his lips parted. I love that he understands my obsession with 3's and has even himself gotten OCD about it. I love how he helps me better myself, and how I want to be better for him. I love how he makes me feel about myself and how I feel like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world when he looks at me.

So there you have it. My family is pretty amazing, and without them I would be anything close to who I am today. They love me unconditionally, tey are my life and I love them more than these simple, few words can ever describe. Now you know a little more about me, hopefully I keep up with this blog because I really enjoy writing, and now I have a little more time and the knowledge that I can post from my phone since we don't have a computer. I may just have problems with posting pics, but I can handle that till we get a new one, and then I'll be able to share my photography 😊

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