Friday, November 7, 2014

Writing challenge day 7- do you read? What are your favorite books?

I can't choose a favorite, and yes I read but not lately tho with the cold weather that will change. I will do something I've done before tho, I'll write a sentence or two about a book I enjoyed.

I fell in love with four women who kept bees after I ran away from my abuvisive father. They were black, I was white and society couldn't see the beauty in them the way I could.

I took care of my insane mother after our father left us for the tomato girl, I found a mother in a phsycic but life never went back to the way it was.

I investigated a murder of a high society stay at home mom from the elite "mommy group", I was always the outsider but I solved the murder...

I was a man who worked nights and had to monitor office emails, through just reading the exchange of two womens emails I fell in love

I was a red headed firecracker at a new school in the 80's, depressed and lonely. I found love in a Asian outcast, but we all know first love doesn't last forever.

I was a young girl fighting against cancer, I found someone to connect with through the trials of it all, and together we found something bigger than anything we could ever love long enough to see...

So I've read a lot more than these books this year, in fact up until a few months ago I believe my number was around 33, but I can't remember them. I miss reading.

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