Monday, November 3, 2014

Thankfully thankful day 1

Obviously I'm thankful for my family. I want to single each link in the chain that is my life.

Stephen- I'm thankful for his unconditional love. Whether I'm tripping over my feet, saying the wrong thing, or annoying him he never falters. He has a honesty with me that is commendable, will always point me in the right direction when I've lost my way, and always supports me in anything I do no matter how small. I'm thankful for his hugs, they always ground me when I'm off in my own little world of craziness, his kisses, and his too many "I love you's". He is my biggest support beam, the light that chases my darkness, and always makes me want to be a better person. I've never seen a more generous, kind hearted, sweet, thoughtful man. I'm thankful he is a big marshmallow with out girls, I'm thankful he plays with them, and teaches them "boy stuff" like my dad did with me, but will also join in on the girly stuff, too, again like my dad did with me. He is my everything, I couldn't be more thankful, or blessed for my Stephen.

Sierra- I'm thankful for her sensitivity, for her caring big heart. I'm thankful for her help with her sisters. I'm thankful for the lessons she teaches me in life, she doesn't even know how much I've learned from her. I'm thankful for her silliness, and her loud giggles. I'm thankful she still let's me hold her hand. I'm thankful for her bravery, and intelligence, for her individuality, and for her spunk. She is our shoulder to cry on, and the hug waiting for us when we need one. Sierra is one of the kindest, gentlest, old souls I've ever met, she brings so much love to our family. I'm thankful for my Sierra.

Chloe- I'm thankful for Chloe's ability to have fun with whatever she is doing. I'm thankful for the stories she tells, and her imagination, without them our lives would be boring and we certainly wouldn't be super hero's ;) I'm thankful for her humor, she is a light in this family, and always provides a laugh when we are feeling down. I'm thankful for Chloe's big gigantic heart, she doesn't show it as much but she's a very sensitive soul as well. I'm thankful for her sweetness, her big beautiful eyes, and the smiles she gives our readily. I'm thankful for her tiny hands, and how they're always holding  mine. I'm thankful for my little Chloe.

Allie- I'm thankful for allie's ability to surprise me everyday, the things she comes up with always leave me wondering if she's a genius or insane. I'm thankful that she has made our family complete, even tho it gets a little crazy since she arrived I can't imagine out lives without Allie girl in it. I'm thankful for the new phrases  she learns and repeats over and over. I'm thankful for her love of books, and even more so that she loves to snuggle up with me when we read them. I'm thankful for her spark, and energy (yes even when I'm exhausted) she has a amazing little personality that always keeps me going. I'm thankful for her sweetness, and concern when one of the girls or I are crying. I'm thankful for her giggles, and her loud feet slaps against the floor. I'm thankful for my Allie girl.

I'm thankful for my parents, on both sided. Each one of them offers good advice, and wisdom when I can't figure out what to do. I'm thankful for their guidance, and strength. I'm thankful that each of them have shown me how to be a better parent. I'm thankful that they help me when I can't find my way. I'm thankful for their love, and support through any avenue we've taken in our lives. I'm thankful for each of their humor, and their differences in personality, each of them bring a different dynamic to our lives. I'm thankful they love my girls as much as they do, and spoil them rotten. I'm just thankful for each one of them.

I'm thankful for my mema. I'm thankful for her southern accent, and her acceptance. I'm thankful for her phone calls, and for her scolding me when I swear. I'm thankful for her "hi bye and I love you's" she has shewn me the meaning of family doesn't lie in blood, but in love. I'm thankful for my mema.

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