Friday, November 7, 2014

Writing challenge day 7- do you read? What are your favorite books?

I can't choose a favorite, and yes I read but not lately tho with the cold weather that will change. I will do something I've done before tho, I'll write a sentence or two about a book I enjoyed.

I fell in love with four women who kept bees after I ran away from my abuvisive father. They were black, I was white and society couldn't see the beauty in them the way I could.

I took care of my insane mother after our father left us for the tomato girl, I found a mother in a phsycic but life never went back to the way it was.

I investigated a murder of a high society stay at home mom from the elite "mommy group", I was always the outsider but I solved the murder...

I was a man who worked nights and had to monitor office emails, through just reading the exchange of two womens emails I fell in love

I was a red headed firecracker at a new school in the 80's, depressed and lonely. I found love in a Asian outcast, but we all know first love doesn't last forever.

I was a young girl fighting against cancer, I found someone to connect with through the trials of it all, and together we found something bigger than anything we could ever love long enough to see...

So I've read a lot more than these books this year, in fact up until a few months ago I believe my number was around 33, but I can't remember them. I miss reading.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Thankfully thankful day 3

I'm thankful for my friends. I may not have many, but the three I have I wouldn't trade for the world. These two women brighten my day, lift me up when I'm down, and give me great advice. I have plenty of friends that are on the surface, but these three know the nitty gritty of me, they've always accepte me and my faults. Always given me love when I needed it, or just a really good laugh. We don't have to talk everyday for our relationships to work, and they are always understanding when I couldn't find the time to call.

My first friend has been in my life since we were eight, I'll never forget walking into third grade being the new girl and her jumping at the chance to show me around, if she hadn't I don't know where we'd be. We may not be super close now, but if either of us needs the other we have always dropped what we are doing without even being asked, and lended a hand. I know we will grow old and still have each other. Our weekly phone calls are always funny, and she will always set me straight when I'm "being a rug, don't take anythig lying down, you're better than that" I swear it comes out of her mouth a lot. She was my first friend. I love her crudeness, and her sense of humor. I'm glad she's in my life after teeny three years.

My second friend moved away a year ago, and keeping in touch has been tricky. I love that we can pick up right where we left off, or that we each "know" when the other needs us. It took a long time for me to let her in, her patience, kindess, and un-ending love pushed through and I'm glad it did. She always provides me with love, she always points out my accomplishments. She gives me strength when I don't have any, and snuggles me when I need a hug. She is the mom I want to be, so caring and kind, she treats everyone the same. I believe we are connected on a deeper level. We met when she moved next door to my parents house, and I always wonder what would have happened if she never stopped 10 years ago to ask the 9 month pregnant whale on the side of the road, what there was to do in town. Our kids loved each other and we've often planned Sierra, and ben's wedding. I miss her greatly but cherish our talks even more now, we always called them our therapy sessions, she's way beyond a therapist for sure.

And my last friend is saved for last. She has a special place in my heart. We get each other, I love her sarcastic sense of humor, and she understands my sensitivity. You wouldn't know it, but she's more sensitive than me. I love how she plays "devils advocate" and will always say it like it is. She keeps me grounded, and always gives me a good laugh, or can relate to me in a way that most people can't. I love our morning talks, and that our kids adore each other, each of my girls have a soft spot for "buddy". She has been there for me in some of the worst times over the past few years, and always listened. She has a kind heart, sometimes too generous, but that's why I love her. She teaches me, and helps me in more ways than I think she knows. Again I wonder what would have happened had I not called her four years ago, I'm so thankful to her for being my friend.

I may not have lots of friends I would trust with my life, but these ladies have stuck it out with me through thick and thin. I don't like calling them my best friends because that implies that others are not as loved, they are my dear friends. I'm thankful for our girl talks, and for each one of you. Thank you for supporting me, loving me, and putting up with me.

Thankfully thankful day 2

I'm thankful for getting housework done. It's a difficult task when you have three tornadoes (sometimes four if you count Stephen) rampaging through the house. There's no better feeling of accomplishment when you look around your house when it's clean, or have no clean laundry piled high waiting to be folded but instead wrinkles while it waits. I know it won't stay this way for long, but for now I'm thankful to look around and relax knowing it's all done.

Thankfully thankful day 1

Obviously I'm thankful for my family. I want to single each link in the chain that is my life.

Stephen- I'm thankful for his unconditional love. Whether I'm tripping over my feet, saying the wrong thing, or annoying him he never falters. He has a honesty with me that is commendable, will always point me in the right direction when I've lost my way, and always supports me in anything I do no matter how small. I'm thankful for his hugs, they always ground me when I'm off in my own little world of craziness, his kisses, and his too many "I love you's". He is my biggest support beam, the light that chases my darkness, and always makes me want to be a better person. I've never seen a more generous, kind hearted, sweet, thoughtful man. I'm thankful he is a big marshmallow with out girls, I'm thankful he plays with them, and teaches them "boy stuff" like my dad did with me, but will also join in on the girly stuff, too, again like my dad did with me. He is my everything, I couldn't be more thankful, or blessed for my Stephen.

Sierra- I'm thankful for her sensitivity, for her caring big heart. I'm thankful for her help with her sisters. I'm thankful for the lessons she teaches me in life, she doesn't even know how much I've learned from her. I'm thankful for her silliness, and her loud giggles. I'm thankful she still let's me hold her hand. I'm thankful for her bravery, and intelligence, for her individuality, and for her spunk. She is our shoulder to cry on, and the hug waiting for us when we need one. Sierra is one of the kindest, gentlest, old souls I've ever met, she brings so much love to our family. I'm thankful for my Sierra.

Chloe- I'm thankful for Chloe's ability to have fun with whatever she is doing. I'm thankful for the stories she tells, and her imagination, without them our lives would be boring and we certainly wouldn't be super hero's ;) I'm thankful for her humor, she is a light in this family, and always provides a laugh when we are feeling down. I'm thankful for Chloe's big gigantic heart, she doesn't show it as much but she's a very sensitive soul as well. I'm thankful for her sweetness, her big beautiful eyes, and the smiles she gives our readily. I'm thankful for her tiny hands, and how they're always holding  mine. I'm thankful for my little Chloe.

Allie- I'm thankful for allie's ability to surprise me everyday, the things she comes up with always leave me wondering if she's a genius or insane. I'm thankful that she has made our family complete, even tho it gets a little crazy since she arrived I can't imagine out lives without Allie girl in it. I'm thankful for the new phrases  she learns and repeats over and over. I'm thankful for her love of books, and even more so that she loves to snuggle up with me when we read them. I'm thankful for her spark, and energy (yes even when I'm exhausted) she has a amazing little personality that always keeps me going. I'm thankful for her sweetness, and concern when one of the girls or I are crying. I'm thankful for her giggles, and her loud feet slaps against the floor. I'm thankful for my Allie girl.

I'm thankful for my parents, on both sided. Each one of them offers good advice, and wisdom when I can't figure out what to do. I'm thankful for their guidance, and strength. I'm thankful that each of them have shown me how to be a better parent. I'm thankful that they help me when I can't find my way. I'm thankful for their love, and support through any avenue we've taken in our lives. I'm thankful for each of their humor, and their differences in personality, each of them bring a different dynamic to our lives. I'm thankful they love my girls as much as they do, and spoil them rotten. I'm just thankful for each one of them.

I'm thankful for my mema. I'm thankful for her southern accent, and her acceptance. I'm thankful for her phone calls, and for her scolding me when I swear. I'm thankful for her "hi bye and I love you's" she has shewn me the meaning of family doesn't lie in blood, but in love. I'm thankful for my mema.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Writing challenge day 6- what band or musician is important to you?

I don't even know where to start with this. Music itself is important to me, it helps me when I'm feeling down, it picks me up and as long as there's a good beat gets me shakin'! I grew up around all kinds of music, and a lot of my memories are shaped around the songs in the background.

The Judd's, Cher, Michael Bolton (go on and laugh) patsy cline, and heart are my mother. I can still get her to sing her heart out when "never" comes on.

Phill Collins, bread, bobby vee, van Morrison Robert Palmer, the Rolling Stones, aerosmith and tom petty is my dad. He always used to say, "it's our song" when "won't bak down" came on. For the longest time I thought he was saying I walked bak down.

David grey, matchbox 20, nirvana, christina agulera, brad paisley, Tim McGraw, and billy idol are Stephen. In fact there's too many songs tied into our memories together. One of the best is when we slow danced in the middle of the laundromat while Sierra was a newborn happily sleeping in her cars seat. David grey's "babalyn" was playing, this song meant a lot because two years before it, as he drove me home from one of our first dates he was mouthing the words "let go of your heart, let go of your head, and feel it" to me coaxing me to let go of my fears and plunge in with him. Best decision of my life.

Etta James, the Beatles,buckcherry the temptations, basically anything you'd hear on a oldies station (which is hard to come by unless you have pandora) is my old babysitter Linda. She always had oldies 99 playing in the summer while we swam in her pool, I remember feeling so happy listening to those songs, she would always say I was born in the wrong decade because I always loved that music. I still do, and now my girls do too. In fact one of their songs from me is "my girl"

Elton John, Michael Jackson, rob Stewart, a And anything on adult contemporary is Karen. My other mother, she gave me a love for soft rock, and the gift of switching the radio the exact same way my mind works-fast and no repeats.

Lady Gaga, Taylor swift, arrianna (don't know her last name) one direction, Maroon 5, anything pop is my girls. Dance parties are always had, and not only do they love today's hits but they have a love for the good old music I once listened to as a kid. They've heard it all, just like I did. They feel the shifts and pulls of each era, the melancholy, or the happiness, the instruments, the singing, the feeling from it all.

I cherish music, it is the foundation of my inner soul, and has always been a guidance for me. This challenge had started my day off on the right foot, music always does that for me.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Writing challenge day 5- 5 places you'd like to visit

You start to sweat, your heart is racing, and you can't catch a breath. Dizziness settles in, your fingers tingle the same way they would if your hand had fallen asleep, every noise is loud enough to make your ears hurt, every light is too bright. You can't focus, and you're sure that this is it, you're going to die. Instead of having a heart attack you realize it's a panic attack, and you've survived it. I've had agoraphobia since the age of 15, and up until about two years ago if I thought of traveling (just the thought) it could spark a panic in me so bad you would think I was actually doing the very thing that scared me-leaving home. Through hypnotherapy, a anxiety program, and a really good therapist I have overcome much of the anxiety and have been slowly traveling further and further away from home. So this challenge is near and dear to me, to dream of places I once was too scared to think of traveling is truly a gift because now I know I can get there. So here's my list-

1. Yellow stone national park, and to actually camp there. We love camping, and I love nature photography, this would be the best place for both scenery photos and wildlife shots.

2. Maine. In all my years living in New England I have never been there, but I want to badly.

3. The ocean with my girls. One of my focal points and goals the ought my journey through anxiety has always been the fantasy of watching my girls take their first steps into the ocean. My oldest has been there once, but not in the summer when it was warm enough to sink her toes in. I want to splash with them, smell the sea salt in their hair, and build amazing sand castles with them.

4. Alaska. Again I want to take amazing scenary shots there.

5. Anywhere where the water is aqua colored. I've always wanted to see the ocean this color, and stand on white sanded beaches. This has always been a dream of Stephen's too, and someday I know we will.

I don't dream of traveling out of the country, never really have. We have so much to see in the United States, someday I'd love to buy a RV and go on a journey with Stephen to see it all. It is our dream to do this when we are older, just the two of us. To see even the most mundane things like the largest ball of twine, or stand in the four corners all at once. Someday, and everyday is one step closer to my goals.